Cabinet and Secretariat
Tom Meulenbergs, spokesperson
Bd du Jardin Botanique 50 box 61
1000 Brussels
+ 32 2 792 99 00
Chief of Staff
- Geert VancronenburgChief of Staff General Policy and Finance
- Skander NasraChief of Staff Development Cooperation
- Tom MeulenbergsHead of Communication
- Lotte Van der StocktSpokesperson
General Policy Unit
- Nicole AzaertAssistant to the Chief of staff
- Sabine QuintensAssistant to the Chief of staff
- Marc BoeykensAdvisor Federal Budget, Debt Management, Bicultural institutions, Mobility, State-controlled enterprises, Banks, Financial regulation
- Pieter DaensDeputy director Taxation, Tax fraud
- Patrick D'hondtAdvisor Interior, Public administration, Equal opportunities, Concertation Committee, State Reform Implementation
- Albert DimmockAdvisor Mobility (road), Régie des Bâtiments, Urban Policy, Fight against poverty, Social integration
- Nele RoobrouckAdvisor Energy, Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development, Aerospace, Nuclear Safety, SME and self-employed persons, Science policy, North Sea, Mobility (water and air transport), Agriculture, Consumer affairs, National Lotery, ...
- Mathilde SteenbergenAdvisor Justice
- Sarah VanhullebusAdvisor Federal budget (primary expenditures), Tenders, Social affairs, Public health
- Sven Van LooAdvisor Asylum and Immigration, Defence
- Marie Van den DoorenParliamentary relations
Development Cooperation Unit
- Skander NasraChief of Staff Development Cooperation
- Martine RyckaertAssistant to the Chief of Staff
- Annie De GolsAssistant to the secretariat, Mail registration, Payment
- Koen Van AcoleyenDiplomatic Advisor and Coordination EU-agenda Development Policy, DGE coordination, Diplomatic aspects Development Policy
- Kurt BraeckmanAdvisor Culture and Development
- Lode BruneelAdvisor Digital for Development
Communication Unit
- Tom MeulenbergsHead of Communications and Spokesperson
- Amélie LefebvreTranslation Advisor
- Vincent Van HoorickCommunication Officer
Secretariat to the minister
- Melissa DoomsPersonal Assistant to the minister
- Johan StylemansDirector secretariat
- Sabine LeyzenAssistent to the Director
- Annemie D'HayerStaff member
- Naomi SkoutariotisAdvisor
- Maarten Van TieghemAdvisor
Logistical support
- Ingrid PeerlinckReception agent
- Dominique VerbesseltReception agent
- Philippe DanneelsDriver
- Evelien GeertsCook
- Charles HuysmanDriver of the minister
- Christophe MeganckDriver
- Ward SadonesDriver
- Vincent TibauCook
- Johan VanzeirDriver
- Bert VranckenDriver
- Robbi De RoeckDriver
- Vera HuybensStaff member, cook, dispatcher, reception
- Bert De RidderIT agent
- Ruben LecokChief of Staff Finance
- Sabine QuintensAssistant to the chief of staff
- Sophie TuypensMail registration
- Sven De SpiegeleerAdvisor Tax collection and recovery
- Pieter DaensDeputy chief of staff, Taxation and Fight against tax fraud
- Albert DimmockAdvisor Personal and organisation FPS Finance
- Lieselotte HendrickxAdvisor Tax fraud and Procedure
- Arne ChristoffelsAdvisor Personal income tax, Mobility budget, EPR, TP, Innovation deduction
- Marit PeetersAdvisor Corporate tax, International taxation, Tax shelter, Caiman tax, Tax on securities account, TOB, E-commerce
- Sarah VanhullebusAdvisor Commitments, Budget, SFPI, OECD, IMF
- Hanne WeckhuysenAdvisor Indirect taxation and Customs
- Geert VancronenburgDeputy Chief of Staff - Finance
- Tom BlockmansAdvisor Budget, Finance law
- Marc BoeykensAdvisor Finance sector, Public debt
- Karl De BruckerAdvisor Finance sector, Macro-prudential supervision
Useful links
- FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation: Directorate-General for Development Cooperation
- Directorate-General Economic regulation - Telecommunication and Information Society Unit of the FPS Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-employed and Energy
- Fedict - FPS for Information and Communication Technology
- Belgacom
- Bpost
- Telecommunications, including the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT)